Sunday, September 23

And if…

I was thinking about writing and cooking. Not writing about cook itself. I thought about the place both have in my life.
Well, I like to talk, this is a fact though. However,  as time made me enjoy the silence even more, I have also took pleasure in the power of my imagination. More precisely, to really listen to those thoughts of mine. When I was about eight years old, I got a Mickey Mouse diary (with a locker) as a birthday gift from a cousin. She told me to not waste the pages with silly school (e.g. John & Mabel) stuff. I took it as an order, and after a few days leaving the heartily pages book aside, I wrote my first letter to Kitty* talking about my views/doubts on religion. As I ended it with “Yours, M.W.”, I could not help myself with the felling of secrecy and self-wisdom which I still hold even while I am writing this not so secret letter. In my teenage years, and all the joy and melodrama that the menarche brings, I started to write poetry. Some I can say were good, some where so silly as my thoughts about John a young man I knew. I even had three poems published on a local newspaper, and won a physics book for another one**.  College time made me forget writing, and not until late twenties I restarted with a non-MM diary. I could not go through it longer than a month. I discovered the blessings of creating people (at least in my head) and listening about their stories, while I was playing owl one late night. I have never stopped doing so.
Cooking is in my life, for no surprise, since childhood. I was not a pick child, and loved tasting different flavors. I found it as profession, not only after graduated from college, while studying abroad. And it is been my life long lost vocation.
The fact is I could not imagine my life without doing those things. I think about it a lot, I mean, I make up stories in my mind, and I also create recipes more often than I eat. I find myself often playing with “and if…”.

Well, aufedersein!

* ”Dear Kitty
** Why not History, Literature or Philosophy?!! Even Latin!

#She could also start shake her Sunday with# George Michael – Faith


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